The only boolean ring that is an integral domain is Z/2Z

A Boolean ring that is an integral domain is Z/2Z

We will prove that the only boolean ring that is an integral domain is \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}.

Proof of that the only boolean ring that is an integral domain is Z/2Z

Let R be a boolean ring which is an integral domain. Boolean rings are commutative, as we have seen here. Take the elements a, 1-a \in R which are not equal to 0 and 1. Then we get:
a(1-a) = a - a^2 = 0,
since a^2 = a. We took for the assumption that our boolean ring is an integral domain, so this implies that a and 1-a are no zero divisors. This leads us that a = 0 or 1 - a = 0, which implies that R = \{0,1\} and this is exactly \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}.


The only boolean ring that is an integral domain is Z/2Z.

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