Prove that SL_n(F) is a subgroup of GL_n(F)

Let F be any field. Prove that SL_n(F) is a subgroup of GL_n(F).

Proof. Let F be any field. Recall that the general linear group is defined as:
GL_n(F) = \{A \ | \ A \text{ is an } n \times n \text{ invertible matrix with entries from } F\}
and the special linear group is defined as:
SL_n(F) = \{A \in GL_n(F) \ | \ det(A) = 1\}.
We want to show that if A,B \in SL_n(F), then A^{-1} \in SL_n(F) and AB \in SL_n(F). Assume for the first case that A \in SL_n(F). Since det(A) = 1, and therefore inverse, we have that:
det(A^{-1}) = \frac{1}{det(A)} = \frac{1}{1} = 1.
So A^{-1} \in SL_n(F). For the second case, assume that A,B \in SL_n(F). Then det(A) = det(B) = 1. Now we have that:
det(AB) = det(A)det(B) = 1.
Therefore, AB \in SL_n(F).

So SL_n(F) is a subgroup of GL_n(F).

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