Klein four-group is abelian and not cyclic

The Klein four-group is the smallest abelian group that is not cyclic. Recall that the Klein four-group is defined as
V = \langle a,b \ | \ a^2 = b^2 = e, (ab)^2 = e \rangle
We will prove that the Klein four-group is abelian and not cyclic.

Proof. First we will prove that the Klein four-group is abelian, i.e., for all a,b \in V we have ab = ba. As Klein four-group is a group, it contains inverses. As a^{-1} = a and b^{-1} = b, we have that
(ab)^2 = abab = e & \iff ababb = b \\
& \iff aba = b \\ 
& \iff abaa = ba \\
& \iff ab = ba 
which proves that Klein four-group is abelian. What is left to prove is that Klein four-group is not cyclic. We see that V can’t be generated by e,a or b. As ab, (ab)^2 = e, Klein four-group can’t be generated by ab. This proves that Klein four-group is not cyclic.

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