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The conjugacy classes of D3

What are the Conjugacy Classes of D3?

The conjugacy classes of D_3 are \{e\}, \{r,r^2\} and \{s,sr,sr^2\}. We know that
D_3 = \langle r,s \ | \ r^3 = s^2 = e, rs = sr^{-1} \rangle
Some books may write it as D_6, but we prefer to take the D_n instead of D_{2n}. To determine the conjugates of the element \tau \in D_3, we need to show determine \sigma \tau \sigma^{-1} for all \sigma \in D_3. So we will check one by one the conjugates of the elements of the dihedral group D_3: \tau = e
eee &= e \\ 
rer^{-1} &= e \\ 
r^2er^{-2} &= e \\ 
ses^{-1} &= e \\ 
rse(rs)^{-1} &= e \\ 
r^2se(r^2s)^{-1} &= e \\ 
\tau = r
ere &= r \\ 
rrr^{-1} &= r \\ 
r^2rr^{-2} &= r^{2 + 1 - 2} = r \\ 
srs^{-1} &= srs = ssr^{-1} = r^{2} \\ 
rsr(rs)^{-1} &= rsrs^{-1}r^{-1} = sr^{-1}rs^{-1}r^{-1} = r^{-1} = r^{2} \\ 
r^2sr(r^2s)^{-1} &= rsr^{-1}rs^{-1}r^{-2} = r^{-1} = r^{2} \\ 
\tau = r^2
er^2e &= r^2 \\ 
rr^2r^{-1} &= r^2 \\ 
r^2r^2r^{-2} &= r^{2 + 2 - 2} = r^2 \\ 
sr^2s^{-1} &= sr^{-1}s^{-1} = rss^{-1} = r \\ 
rsr^2(rs)^{-1} &= rsr^2s^{-1}r^{-1} = rsr^2sr^{-1} = rsr^2rs = rss = r \\ 
r^2sr^2(r^2s)^{-1} &= r^2sr^{-1}s^{-1}r^{-2} = r^2rss^{-1}r^{-2} = r^{-2} = r \\ 
\tau = s
ese &= s \\ 
rsr^{-1} &= sr^{-1}r^{-1} = sr  \\ 
r^2sr^{-2} &= r^2sr = rs = sr^2 \\ 
sss^{-1} &= s \\ 
rss(rs)^{-1} &= r(rs)^{-1} = rsr^2 = sr \\ 
r^2ss(r^2s)^{-1} &= r^2sr^{-2} = sr^{-1} = sr^{2} \\ 
\tau = rs = sr^2
e(rs)e &= rs = sr^2 \\ 
r(rs)r^{-1} &= r^2sr^{-1} = s  \\ 
r^2(rs)r^{-2} &= sr^{-2} = sr \\ 
s(rs)s^{-1} &= sr \\ 
rs(rs)(rs)^{-1} &= rs = sr^2 \\ 
r^2s(rs)(r^2s)^{-1} &= r^2srssr^{-2} = r^2sr^2 = s \\ 
\tau = r^2s = sr
e(r^2s)e &= r^2s = sr \\ 
r(r^2s)r^{-1} &= sr^{-1} = sr^2  \\ 
r^2(r^2s)r^{-2} &= rsr^{-2} = s \\ 
s(r^2s)s^{-1} &= sr^2 \\ 
rs(r^2s)(rs)^{-1} &= rsr = s \\ 
r^2s(r^2s)(r^2s)^{-1} &= r^2s = sr \\ 
We see, therefore, that we have the next conjugacy classes of D_3:
\{e\}, \{r,r^2\}, \{s,sr,sr^2\}

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